Thank you for your response to my posting; I have relocated it from “NANDA” to this post, on which it comments. You raise a number of excellent points which I will try to address.
First, thank you for the reminder that I am writing, as a family physician, from a position of both power and responsibility. It is my hope and aim to never abuse either. I am, at the same time, human. I make mistakes. I do not always live up to my hopes and ideals; I nonetheless try, and I see your response as an opportunity for reflection. My path is always, I hope, one of learning. It should also be noted that the views and opinions expressed in my blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer or of anyone else associated with me.
I am also aware that I am writing not in a vacuum but in the context of a small town. As such I am constantly reminded of the importance of relationships with all people. To this end my goal in interactions is no different than it has been my whole life, which is to say, to treat everyone with respect.
To whatever degree I have treated you in a way that you saw as disrespectful, I apologize. I do ask that if you would like to address this further with me, you do it in the context of our relationship as doctor and patient in the clinic, as this appears to be the source of your anger, and not in this blog. Out of respect for your comments I have left them as they stood, with the exception of the deletion of your use of profanity.
Secondly, thank you for the chance to point out something I should have stated explicitly: each patient example I gave represents a composite of multiple patient stories from my practice over the last five years in Seattle, Auburn, and here. As such, while any one patient might be based mostly on one person, there are always details that I have changed or borrowed from another patient to avoid identifying one person.

This brings me to the fourth point you raise, which is a very valid one: why on earth am I taking time away from clinic to go to Olympia and speak out?
You should know that my activist efforts are done on my own vacation time, at my own expense, and that every time I leave town for whatever reason I face a sizable stack of back-logged work when I return. So I do not do this lightly.
The reason that I still do it is that I believe in fighting for a more just system for everyone. Because I understand that I have power as a family doctor, I see part of my responsibility, as stated in my address to the legislators, as speaking out on behalf of those with no voice.
Is this effective? I cannot say. But I can tell you that one Senator on the Ways and Means Committee, to whom my efforts were addressed, found it compelling. Here is the link to her site:

As such, I also aim to enter into such discussion with an open mind, the awareness that I may be wrong on any issue, and always with respect. I ask that you do the same.
. . .
p.s. If your dissatisfaction with me had anything to do with me running late or not spending enough time with you (and if it was something else entirely, I again ask that you address this with me in clinic), first I apologize, and second I encourage you to speak up. I tend to run behind because I try to listen to patients; I would love to work in a system that allowed me to give you the time you deserve. Even before the budget cuts, we are under pressure to see more and more people in less time. Speak out! You as a patient have a voice—use it! Call your local representatives and let them know your concerns!
. . .
Final Note: To see the comments to which I was responding, please see "Comments" under "Nov.30 Ways & Means". Again, I moved the comments by "Little Cat" from its original location under "NANDA" to there, as this was the post it deals with.